Northview Elementary classroom Art Program is designed so that each student will be able to:
- Have an understanding of the art elements and principles through a variety of media
- Connect their art experiences to science, literacy, math, and social studies
- Explore drawing, printmaking, textiles, collage, painting, sculpture, multi-media, found-object art, graphic design and typography, environmental art, and functional art
- Attend studio art class for a 50 minute period once every three days throughout the school year.
The 5th Grade Instrumental Music Program is a year-long performance course. The band curriculum provides large group (Big Band before school) and small group (lesson) instruction. Students perform three concerts during the school year. Large group band rehearsals are held every Monday morning. Small lessons are given on various days of the week. Schedules for these lessons are posted in all 5th grade classrooms.
Northview Elementary classroom music curriculum is designed so that each student will be able to:
- Attend Music Class for 50 minutes once every three days during the school year.
- Sing a varied repertoire of music, alone and with others;
- Perform on instruments, alone and with others;
- Improvise and create music;
- Read and notate music;
- Listen to, analyze and describe music;
- Evaluate music and music performances, and
- Learn about music of various styles and cultures.
Library Media Center
"Libraries allow children to ask questions about the world and find the answers. And the wonderful thing is that once a child learns to use a library, the doors to learning are always open." – Laura Bush
The Northview Library is a place where we promote a love of reading, assist students in becoming effective users of ideas and information, and encourage them to become life-long learners.
Physical Education
Students at Northview attend physical education class with Mr. Nelson for fifty minutes every three days. They work on physical skills, team building, fun, sportsmanship and attitude.
Physical Education Attire
Gym shoes must be worn for all physical activities. Please be certain the shoes have non-marking soles and enclosed toes. Dress in comfortable clothing. Anticipate the weather when class is outside. Girls wearing dresses or skirts may want to have sweatpants or shorts to wear for class comfort and agility.
Fitness Testing
Students in grades 1-5 participate in a district wide fitness check every fall and spring. Students are checked in the areas of:
- Abdominal strength (curl-ups) (Grades 3-5)
- Upper body strength and endurance (static arm hang)
- Flexibility of the lower back and hamstring (sit and reach)
- Cardio respiratory endurance as follows (Pacer test) (Grades 3-5)
Medical Concerns
- Parental requests for being excused from PE must be approved by the nurse before each class.
- Excuses for longer than one week should have a doctors note.
- If a child's activity should be restricted, or limited in any way, please inform the nurse and physical education specialist.
Physical Activity Has Plenty Of Benefits For Youth And Adults Alike.
- It Makes Muscles Stronger
- Improves Health And Energy Levels
- Increases Flexibility And Balance,
- And Most Importantly Sets The foundation For A Healthy Life!
Healthy Habits That Are Learned And Continually Practiced During Childhood And Teenage Years Are Likely To Continue In Adulthood.
Most Importantly…Keep MOVIN’,GROOVIN’, And IMPROVIN’ parents and All-Stars!!!